Missing My Baby ♡

Again ! Today I really really miss my baby Purple and baby Joobs Joobs so much. I really wanna see them right here right now. Did they miss me too ? Did they remember about me ? How about Purple if I leave her once again . I hope she can face everything and keep praying for us.

I miss to kiss and hug Purple and laugh to see her ugly teeth but I know it will become pretty when she grow up because she is so pretty like a Angel. Next year she will be 7 years old and a big enough to take care for Joobs Joobs like what she promise me and I hope she can a great musician oneday like what she wanted to be. But she study so hard and dont have a real life like other kids outside there and I just wondering wont she be tired and why dont she just act like a kids and do what they want. Purple stop act like an adult honey you should enjoy you time and enjoy you childish moment like what Ying always did. Ying need to hug you because I really miss to play Flying Petal song with you, dance to the silly song with you and sing a weird song that we made together last time. Too much moment we did together right ? You always ask me why I have to take my tiny friends, can I live without my tiny friends. Actually I cant honey, tiny friends is like real friends to me. Without them I cant be here to be with you and our family. But my tiny friends cant keep me alive forever and I know that but dont worry your smile will make me alive forever in your heart little Angel.

Baby Joobs Joobs, I know you still a baby and dont even remember who I am but oneday your mommy and your auntie will tell you everything about me. Since the first day I hug you I hold you and I know you are my baby boy forever. When I smell you and kiss you, I felt like I am in a heaven because your eye is so pure and your smell is so awesome like an Angel. Please grow up fast Joob Joobs and take care of your mommy and never let your daddy take you away from her. Your dad is a good guy but he did a bad things to your mommy . You cant hates him because he still your daddy , just dont let him take you away ok baby because your mom still need you to be in her side forever. Your little auntie too, she loves you so much because when she knows they will have you, she prepare a lot of things for you. She spend her time to take care of you since you in your mommys womb. Ying also did the same things, and I hope I can see you grow up too baby.

And Ying will make sure I will make a right time to see you guys there and please please wait for Ying ok my baby !! Be safe Purple and Joobs Joobs and my darling Pinky 

Xo Ying